Grandview Heights Schools

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Women in Science Day 2020

On Monday, February 24, 2020, Grandview Heights High School freshman and sophomore students participated in Capital University's day-long science experience.  Lectures and topics included DNA, Blood Type, Hearts, and Comp Chip and hands-on experiments in a college setting.  Hosted by Capital University, the annual event included female students from Bexley, Pickerington, Columbus Public, and Grandview Height Schools with the intent of growing the young women's interest in science.
Photographed from left are:
Front row
Julia Heren, Amber Trares, Maria Ionna, Evie Cribbs, Charlotte Amurgis, Rachel Wahl, Evelyn Weber, Maddy Smith, Henley Mueller, Melana Pomerants, GHHS Science Teacher RaeAnna Wieland
Back row
Chief Academic Officer D. Jamie Lusher, Kathryn Page, Maura Branum, Sophia Gerhold, Ayla Iisaka, Mackenzie Starner, Ava Cunningham, Lily Miller, Scarlett Martinsek, Tully Downer, Maggie Herlihy, Norah Taylor.