Grandview Heights Schools

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A Message from Supt. Andy Culp

Welcome back, Bobcats!

Who would have thought six months ago, instead of reconnecting with each other after a relaxing summer, we would be where we are today, starting the year remotely?

Classes began Aug. 17, and I am pleased to report that the school year is off to a smooth start with remote learning.

It was great to see our families sharing some very nontraditional back-to-school photos over social media. We appreciate everyone coming together to make the most of a less-than-ideal situation.

But more than anything, I hope you and your family are safe and healthy. This pandemic has impacted all of us in one way or another. It hasn’t been easy, but we are taking it day by day.

During challenging times, our values are tested. When our doors suddenly closed in March, our staff members and families met the time of adversity with strength and made sure our students were supported, both educationally and emotionally.

Now, as we reopen, I continue to be amazed by the community’s resilience and commitment to our students, families and staff. Thank you for all you do each and every day.

Although teaching and learning will look different this fall, we are committed to providing a safe and successful learning experience.

We are ready for multiple scenarios and are prepared to pivot seamlessly on the delivery of education to our students.

Whether it’s in person, a hybrid learning model, remote learning or online, we are committed to maximizing and personalizing every student’s learning.

We are prepared to maintain a clean and safe school environment by using new equipment, updating staff training and strengthening cleaning policies.

We also understand that each one of us must continue to do our part.

Should we return to a hybrid model, we are ready to wear masks, wash our hands often, practice social distancing and monitor our health. It will be these practices that will help get us through these difficult times.

We also must remember that what we’re going through now is not a permanent situation.

Grandview Heights Schools continues to move forward in helping students achieve their present and future goals. Together, we are finding new, innovative ways to teach our students and adjust to our current realities.


It’s a given that the 2020-21 school year will be like no other, but I am confident that by working and learning together, we will get through it.

I want to thank our students, staff, families and community for supporting each other. We are Bobcat Strong, and together, we will succeed.