Grandview Heights Schools

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News from the Treasurer's Office

A Message from Treasurer/CFO Beth Collier


At Grandview Heights Schools, our goal is to maximize and personalize every student’s learning and we strategically prioritize our financial resources to help make that happen. Soon, every district residence will receive a copy of our annual Financial Prospectus in the mail.  Our Financial Prospectus 2023 offers taxpayers - our investors - an in-depth look at Grandview Heights Schools’ current financial position and answers our most frequently asked questions such as where does our revenue come from and what are our spending priorities.  In addition to being an informative document, the annual prospectus provides the district with an opportunity to once again express gratitude to our community and donors for their generous support. 

The 2023 Financial Prospectus addresses the continuing impact and importance of the Grandview Yard and shares how the district is maximizing tax dollars and offers an update on our Facilities Master Plan.  This work began more than five years ago, and would not have been possible without the invaluable feedback and support of our community.  We are proud to share that this project was completed on-time, on-budget, and on-quality!  In fact, the district concluded the project with nearly $200,000 in the bank, funds that will be saved for future facility improvements.

As well, readers will learn more about our recent efforts to revisit Stevenson Elementary as part of our Facilities Master Plan and an update on our Bobcat Stadium track replacement project.

The success of our facility construction project has also elevated our mission to maximize and personalize every student’s learning. We recently completed a collaborative process with students, staff, alumni, parents, and community members to revisit our strategic plan.  The strategic plan and our corresponding goals are what drive our annual objectives and focus our collective work throughout our organization. It is this document that brings our mission to life. 

If you have any questions or feedback to share, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected] or 614-485-4021.

A heartfelt thank you to you – our residents and supporters - for the investment you are making in the Grandview Heights Schools.  Your commitments of time, talent, and or treasure all contribute to the common good and it is highly valued and greatly appreciated!