Grandview Heights Schools

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School Closing Protocols and Information

A Message from Superintendent Andy Culp


It’s that time of year when students, staff, and parents are watching and waiting to see if we are going to have a “snow day.”  As a result I want to share our protocols regarding school closings. Based upon your communication preferences registered in PowerSchool, the district will send an automated phone call, text, and email notification to guardians/parents and staff announcing school closings or other emergency situations.  In addition the district will post an alert on the district website and send a push notification through ParentSquare. The district will also notify local television stations regarding school closing announcements beginning in the early morning, or during the school day should an emergency arise once classes have commenced.  

Below are some commonly asked questions regarding school closings.  Thank you in advance for your continued partnership, preparation, and support to help keep our students safe during inclement weather, cold temperatures, and/or emergency situations.  

What factors are considered when making the decision to close school?

While school closures are generally a result of poor weather conditions, other factors can also impact our decision to close schools.  The following are taken into consideration:

  • Building conditions, such as whether the building have electricity, heat, and water
  • The ability to clear the site outside the school to include parking lots and sidewalks
  • Information on road conditions from our local Police Department
  • Whether the conditions are worsening or improving
  • Ambient temperature and wind chill factor
  • Weather forecasts 

Will schools automatically close when the temperature is below zero?

There is no set temperature at which the district will automatically close the schools, but the ambient temperature is one of the many factors (along with the wind-chill, road conditions, and weather forecasts) that are taken into consideration when making a school-closure decision.  In most cases, schools can remain open when the ambient air temperature is well below zero.  Extreme temperatures may cause school to limit recess and some extracurricular activities.  Parents/guardians should ensure that their child is dressed appropriately for the weather conditions.  

At what wind chill factor will schools close?  

We do monitor wind chill readings.  We use online weather data/weather channel readings.  We will close school when the sustained wind chill is showing approximately minus 22 and/or the temperature is minus 10 to 15. We will notify families via phone, email, and text.  I have also shared a wind chill chart for your reference.


Thank you for your continued support and partnership in helping keep our students safe and prepared for inclement weather.