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Stevenson Elementary, K-12 Athletic Complex Update

The Facility Committee, a community-led committee, will present its outcomes and insights to the Board of Education at its regularly scheduled Board of Education meeting on Wednesday, March 13, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. in the Larson Middle School Media Center.

On Wednesday, February 28, 2024, members of the Facility Committee, composed of 17 community and two Board of Education members, held their second and final meeting to review and study the various options for reimagining Stevenson Elementary as part of the district’s Facilities Master Plan. 

The first item of business was to build a collective understanding of the Stevenson Elementary Master Planning Process, the K-12 Athletic Planning Process, review cost estimates, learn what is the best way to fund construction projects, and review and answer any questions received from individual committee members since the last meeting.  The questions and answers were compiled in a summarized document and shared with the committee so members could collectively learn from each other.  

Concord Addis LLC presented additional information and clarifications related to the construction inflation numbers that are factored into the project cost estimates.

The committee then divided into three groups to discuss and deliberate on the presented topics and information. The committee then reconvened, and representatives from each group shared their group discussion, including their group's recommendation and any additional questions, queries, concerns, and/or feedback. 

Through a collective and comprehensive discussion, the Facility Committee reached a consensus on what the committee believes should be the course of action for Stevenson Elementary and the K-12 Athletic Complex. Two representatives from the Facility Committee will present the committee’s outcomes and insights to the Board of Education at its regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, March 13, 2024, at 7:00 p.m.

The Board will not be taking any action at this regularly scheduled Board meeting, only hearing and discussing the Facilities Master Plan and the outcomes and insights of the Facility Master Planning Committees’ work. To review the process to date, visit Stevenson Elementary Planning K-12 Athletic Complex