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Special Olympics Parent Information Meeting - March 19 at 5:45 p.m.

A Special Olympics Parent Information Meeting will be held Thursday, March 19, beginning at 5:45 p.m., in the Edison Intermediate/Larry Larson Middle School Commons.  Director of Student Services Jennifer Haddow and Special Olympics Coordinator/Coach Mike Borders will share information about registration, sports options, participation, and answers questions. 

Parents can also visit with other parents and learn more how SO participation has engaged and enhanced their student's physical and social wellbeing.  Athletes of all ages are welcome to participate and compete.


Special Olympics Spring sports include track, which begins April 8 and all practices are conveniently held at Grandview Heights High School Anderson Field, and tennis.  A 2014 Special Olympics State Tennis Champion was a Grandview Heights resident.    


This meeting is conveniently scheduled so that high school parents can also attend the Curriculum Night that begins at 6:30 p.m. at Grandview Heights High School.  If you are not able to make the meeting, but would like more information or to register your student, contact Jennifer Haddow at [email protected] or at 485-4030.