Grandview Heights Schools

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Facility Planning Process - Community Engagement Meeting

On Wednesday, February 22, 2017, Grandview Heights Schools will be hosting our next Facility Planning Process Community Engagement Meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the John Glenn Community Center – Edison Intermediate/Larson Middle School Commons located at 1240 Oakland Avenue. Childcare will be available at no cost.

The meeting and presentations will also be video taped and posted to the Facility Planning webpage.

At this meeting, the community-developed Educational Visioning concepts will be shared and additional feedback will be gathered from residents. We will also look at next steps in the Facility Planning Process including details on how we plan to develop options for our school buildings.

Resident participation is the single most important part of the Facility Planning Process and we encourage you to join the conversation and help shape the future of our schools. For additional information, including the meeting calendar, assessment documents, district communications, and Facilities Task Force meeting agendas, please visit the district website at

For a summary of the work to date and specific objectives for the remaining Community Engagement meetings, please see attached.

Thank you for your continued participation. If you have any questions or suggestions, please email [email protected].