Grandview Heights Schools

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Bobcat Award Recognition

At the February 21, 2017, Board of Education regular meeting Grandview Heights Police Officer Sam DiSaia was honored with a Bobcat Award.  The Bobcat Award, co-sponsored by the Tri-Village Rotary Club, recognizes an outstanding contribution of time, talent, or effort to the Grandview Heights Schools by an employee or community member.  Officer DiSaia, or Officer Sam as he is known at Stevenson Elementary, has added great value to the student learning experience.  The following words were included in his nomination by parents.  
From Parent Tessa Carrel
Officer Sam has been a delightful addition to the mornings at Stevenson Elementary.  He greets the students at the front door with a smile and high five and engages with them on the playground.  Combined with his participation in other school activities, he proves to the students that he is supportive of their academic career, is a trustworthy adult, and the importance of community spirit.
From Parent Megan Green
Officer Sam has been wonderful to our students at Stevenson Elementary.  He stands in front of the school and greets every student with a high five and a "good morning".  During our first walk-a-thon he cheered on our students as they would complete each lap.  He graciously sits with our students during their lunch and makes every child feel important.  Officer Sam supports our students and he is a positive role model.  Stevenson Elementary is lucky to have Officer Sam knowing they can depend on him whenever he is needed.
Officer DiSaia is pictured receiving his award while Treasurer Beth Collier and Board of Education President Jesse Truett look on.  Other photos include Officer DiSaia with Stevenson Elementary Principal Angie Ullum, Superintendent Andy Culp, GHPD Chief Tom McCann, family members, and students.