Grandview Heights Schools

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News from the Treasurer's Office

Grandview Heights Schools earned the Auditor of State Award for the fiscal year ending 2017 audit.  State Auditor David Yost congratulated the district, stating that, “Clean and accurate record keeping is the foundation for good government, and the taxpayers can take pride in your commitment to accountability.”


“It’s quite an honor to have a clean audit for the third year in a row,” said Grandview Heights Schools Treasurer Beth Collier. We will continue to remain accountable to the Grandview Heights community each day.”


Yost’s office recognizes local governments and school districts with the Auditor of State Award upon completion of a financial audit. Those entities meet the following criteria of a “clean” audit report:

  • The entity must file timely financial reports with the Auditor of State’s office in accordance with Generally Accepted Financial Principles (GAAP);
  • The audit report does not contain any findings for recovery, material citations, material weaknesses, significant deficiencies, Single Audit findings or questioned costs;
  • The entity’s management letter contains no comments related to:

o   Ethics referrals

o   Questioned costs less than $10,000.00

o   Lack of timely report submission

o   Reconciliation

o   Failure to obtain a timely Single Audit

o   Findings for recovery less than $100.00

o   Public meetings or public records

Superintendent Andy Culp said Collier and her staff should be commended for the work they do. “They do a great job and are very detailed. Taxpayers can be confident in knowing that our school district is doing all it can to ensure clean and accurate books.”

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