Grandview Heights Schools

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Facility Plan Final Recommendation

On Wednesday, June 27, at the Grandview Heights Schools Board of Education meeting, Superintendent Andy Culp made his final Facility Plan recommendation to the Board of Education after which, Board of Education unanimously voted to place a combined bond and operating levy on the November 6, 2018, ballot.


The proposed ballot issue includes a $55.25 million bond levy to fund safety and security upgrades to all school buildings, build a new 4-8 building, comprehensively renovate Grandview Heights High School, and address only essential repairs at Stevenson Elementary at this time, including Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance requirements and school safety upgrades to the building. The bond will be combined with a 1.0 mill operating levy, which will maintain current day-to-day operations. The combination levy would cost homeowners an additional $239 per $100,000 of property valuation annually.


“The ballot request reflects nearly three years of collaboration with our community to develop  a plan to address our aging school buildings and to protect the great work happening in our schools,” stated Board President Jesse Truett. “Thank you to everyone who participated in the process by taking a survey, participating in a community meeting or a neighborhood coffee, attending a building tour, or volunteering on a committee. In all, these efforts represent over 3600 touchpoints with our community. Thanks to your guidance, this is the community’s plan for the future of our schools.”


Treasurer/CFO Beth Collier will now submit the request to the Franklin County Auditor’s Office. Once approved by the auditor, the board will vote a final time in July to place the issue on the November 6, 2018, ballot.


The PowerPoint presentation is attached and also includes the results of the most recent online and phone surveys.