Grandview Heights Schools is fully committed to preventing student bullying and school violence and providing a positive learning environment for all students that enhances personal safety and promotes respect, dignity, and equality among students. Students who believe they have been harassed, bullied, victimized by fellow students, or those who have other concerns which may jeopardize the safety of students, employees or school facilities, are asked to promptly report the issue using our district’s Student Safety Hotline.
Grandview Heights Schools has contracted with a company called PublicSchoolWORKS to provide this service and ensure anonymity. Please provide names, times, and event details regarding the incident or concern and as much information about the situation as possible. Remember, this service is for the safety of everyone!
Click here to report a bullying incident.
After an online report is submitted, the district will receive a confidential report from PublicSchoolWORKS. The issue or concern will then be investigated by our district.
Concerns may also be reported by phone using the telephone reporting system. Please know that the person taking the report is not affiliated with our district. The attendant will listen to the issue, complete a written report, and then, if requested, transfer the caller to a specialist or other support person.
Call 1-866-listen2me (1-866-547-8362) to speak with a live attendant or leave a voice message. When the caller talks with the live attendant, he/she also has the option of being forwarded to one of the following national hotlines for more specific information and support:
We believe our schools play an important role in helping faculty, staff, and parents prepare students to be respectful and responsible citizens. In addition to the Student Safety Hotline, our district uses an integrated approach that provides student training regarding the need to speak up about safety and bullying issues; staff training in recognizing and responding to incidents of bullying and violence; and administrative systems to manage incidents and document district and school response to reported concerns of bullying or violence.