Welcome to the Design Phase of the Facilities Plan. There are four stages of the design process: Program Design; Schematic Design; Design Development and Construction Documents. These stages must be completed to determine the final design and costs of the project, and must be completed before the actual construction of the facilities can begin.
District Hosts Fourth Building Design Community Meeting, Enters Construction Documents Phase
Grandview Heights Schools hosted Community Meeting #4 on the Master Plan Design on Wednesday, August 21, at 7:30 p.m. and then repeated the meeting on Thursday, August 22, at 9 a.m., in the Edison Intermediate & Larson Middle School Commons located at 1240 Oakland Avenue.
The Programming, Schematic, and Design phases of the project have been completed and the Grandview Heights Schools Board of Education voted at their August 14, 2019, regular meeting to approve the Construction Documents phase. This meeting reviewed the most current floor plan and exterior design based on the completion of the three phases mentioned above.
The PowerPoint presentation is attached. The video recording of the meeting can be found here: https://www.ghschools.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=1483884&type=d&pREC_ID=video