This page contains links to resources related to Grandview Heights Schools K-3 aligned curriculum and an overview of the MAP Assessment tool.
Curriculum Maps
Curriculum maps for Math and English Language Arts in grade K-3 appear below. You can open and view curriculum maps by clicking on their links.
MAP Assessment
The file named
MAP Presentation is an overview of how and why MAP Assessments are used in grade Kindergarten through Eighth Grades.
Grandview Heights Schools Learning Attributes Rubric
This rubric is a resource to support students' skill building in the Grandview Heights Schools Learning Attributes. This resource is not a checklist, rather a rubric to gather evidence and determine where the preponderance of evidence supports student mastery at their developmental stage. The end in mind is a portrait of a graduate who will leave Grandview Heights Schools with each of the learning attributes intact. The rubric is attached.
You can also find curriculum and assessment information on the district website under the Teaching & Learning tab under Departments.