Identifying Gifted Students
Superior Cognitive Ability: A child shall be identified as exhibiting “superior cognitive ability” if the child did either of the following within the preceding 24 months:
• Scored at least two standard deviations above the mean, minus the standard error of measurement, on an approved standardized individual or group intelligence test;
• Performed at or above the 95th percentile on an approved individual or group standardized composite battery of a nationally normal achievement test;
• Attained an approved score on one or more above-grade-level standardized, nationally normed approved tests.
Specific Academic Ability:
A child shall be identified as exhibiting “specific academic ability” superior to that of children of similar age in a specific academic ability field, if the child performed at or above the ninety-fifth percentile at national level on an approved individual or group standardized achievement test of specific academic ability in that field. A child may be identified as gifted in more than one specific academic area listed below:
• Math
• Reading and/or writing
• Science
• Social Studies
Creative Thinking Ability:
A child shall be identified as exhibiting “creative thinking ability” superior to children of a similar age if, within the previous 24 months, the child:
Scored at or above 115 on an approved individual or group intelligence test and also did either of the following:
• Attained a sufficient score, as established by the Department of Education on an approved individual or group test of creative ability; or
• Exhibited sufficient performance on an approved checklist of creative behaviors.
Visual and Performing Arts Ability: A child shall be identified as exhibiting “visual or performing arts ability” superior to that of children of similar age if the child has done both of the following:
• Demonstrated to a trained individual through a display of work, an audition, or other performance or exhibition, superior ability in a visual or performing arts area; and
• Exhibited to a trained individual sufficient performance on an approved checklist of behaviors related to a specific arts area.
Note: These guidelines have been condensed for simplicity. To read the entire “Identification of Children Who Are Gifted,” contact the school’s Gifted Intervention Specialist, or refer to sections 3324.01 to 3324.07 of the Ohio Revised Code.
Characteristics of Various Areas of Giftedness
General Intellectual Ability
• Formulates abstractions
• Processes information in complex ways
• Is observant
• Is excited about new ideas
• Enjoys hypothesizing
• Learns rapidly
• Uses a large vocabulary
• Is inquisitive
• A self-starter
Specific Academic Ability
• Good memorization ability
• Advanced comprehension
• Acquires basic-skill knowledge quickly
• Widely read in special-interest area
• High academic success in special-interest area
• Pursues special interests with enthusiasm and vigor
Creative Thinking Ability
• Independent thinker
• Exhibits original thinking in oral and written expression
• Possesses a sense of humor
• Creates and invents
• Is challenged by creative tasks
• Improvises often
• Does not mind being different from the crowd
Visual and Performing Arts Ability
• Outstanding in sense of spatial relationships
• Unusual ability for expressing self-feeling, moods etc. through art, dance, drama, music
• Good motor coordination
• Exhibits creative expression
• Desire for producing “own product”
• Observant
The district ensures equal opportunity and equal access to the appropriate screening for all students. Accommodations are made as necessary for students with special needs, and students for whom English is a second language.